Eric Gets Grounded for Infinity Years (Improved)

As you may know, I, Cameron Murphy, made my own YouTube account known as "motleycat74" back in March 2011. We all know that in July of the same year, the Eric series was first created by a YouTube user named "mrlegofan404". Another YouTuber named "HappyTreeFrlendsFan" did his version of the series, but with the "New Eyes Eric" character. All those things (those magical things) changed when a newer YouTuber "Jackson Klodt" started his version. It contained more violent stuff, some things about killing, and a lost episode (which was much worse than I thought it would be) which had Eric getting killed and a BIG demonic error at the end.
It was May 2013, and I was surfing on Jackson Klodt's channel for his Eric series on my iPad. I was looking to see if there were any recent episodes until I saw the video I explained to you earlier. It was called "Eric Gets Grounded for Infinity Years! FINAL VIDEO". I then thought, "Is this Jackson's final video?", but I had the chance to press the thumbnail so I could watch it, and it played the video.
The episode started with Eric sleeping in his room as he woke up to go to school.
Eric: What a great day, I hope this is a good day to go to school!
Eric walked downstairs for breakfast, but saw something unexpected; it was Diesel, Kimberly and gretakyran's police officer Ken behind a police line.
Eric: Ken, Dad, Mom, you're still there!
Diesel: No, you're not going anywhere because you're so grounded for life!
Kimberly: Your teacher just got a phone call, she said that she was been a violent man, using bad words, the violations of victory, something really bad, and used sins!
Diesel: And also your principal just got a phone call, he said he throwed a tantrum, used guns, got a cussing work, and he also get the cops, agents, teachers and principals here!
Eric: The cop is a jerk!
Ken (distorted voice): Hey. That's enough. You don't say that... to me!
Eric: Uh-oh. I better run upstairs!
Eric started running upstairs, but Ken chased after him.
Ken: Hey. You're not running away from me agin, Eric!
Eric: Come on, come on, c'mon!
Eric tried to going back into his room but it was too late. Ken finally caught him!
Eric: Uh-oh!
Ken: Ah. (indistinct) Come on. You're not going anywhere. Come downstairs now!
Eric: No, you jerk!
Eric then got slapped by Ken.
Eric: Wowowowowowoh ouch owie ouch. Erika, help me I am kidnapped owie owie.
Ken: (screaming gibberish) You better not stay away from me ever again. Now go downstairs and I will talk to the... and I'll get you one... more chance or else you will be... hurt by your parents!
Eric ran back downstairs screaming and crying, though it was the same distorted voice as Ken's voice. Ken then said something but it was too disorted for me understand what he was even saying (all I could understand him say was "call me a jerk again"). The scene then changed to the agents, police, teachers and headmasters with their cars outside talking angrily on their phones, then back to the living room with Ken, Diesel, Kimberly and Eric.
Diesel: Do not cry like a baby, Eric. And look, Principal Paul and Ms. Christina are coming!
Principal Paul and Ms. Christina walked into the living room.
Eric: Uh-oh. My teacher and my principal!
Principal Paul: That's right. You're suspended for 5,000 years for failing the program!
Ms. Christina: Those are the rules that you 34 groundings for your suspendings... and you are allowed to be suspended, gaspended, expelled, numspended, duspended, and irrepended!
Diesel: I am suspending your video games, television, and your own bloody and violent films!
Kimberly: And oh, the FBI agent is coming to kill you!
An FBI agent ran into the living room to kill Eric, then the background turned completely white in a widescreen sequence and a scary sound effect was heard.
Eric: Oh God help me Erika!
The agent then stabbed Eric to death.
Eric: Oh no no now you got a knife ow owowowowow!
Eric then zoomed away from existence and the agent was acting more evilly.
FBI Agent: Take that Eric, take that. He heh hehehehe heh heh heh!
The agent looks at the camera with his arms crossed and in a Happy expression on his face. He then laughs at the camera in a low-pitched disorted voice. He then fades away and the screen turns grey with Jackson Klodt himself walking in. He then talks to the camera with the First Noel music playing and he turns sad later on.
Jackson Klodt: Hello, I Am Dave, And This Is My Accard Final Video That I Made A Videos Out Of Everyone. And Can You Please Listen To Me. Well, I'm Afraid I Want To Listen So Carefully And Go Animate Has Cancelled Yesterday. And We're With Ever Grounded Video. But, Its So Hard To Say But I Am Not Going To Be Listening To Music Tonight, And Every Videos An That I Have. I Just Busted Memy9909 For Littering That Soda On The Ground. And We Also Played Grand Theft Auto 4, And We Also Congratulations To Brian. And I Did Not Take That Relationship For Using The Program Or Eric, Eric Is A Villain That He Takes Over USA. Thats It. I'm Done With The Grounding Video, I Guess This Is It For Now People
A website link saying "" appears.
Jackson Klodt: Go To
Dave then moves down away from the screen and the American flag appears for 2.50 seconds before fading away to black. Some text appears saying "GROUNDED VIDEO COMPLETED" on the bottom/right corner. The David/Evil Genius/Zack voice is heard off-screen in the dark.
Voice: So This-- Is This A Dream Feels Like-- This Is A Victory We Long For
I think he was happy that the grounding thing was over, but it wasn't over... yet. It went to red text in the middle corner saying "THE END" with music playing in the background before...
''More coming soon!''
{{video|CREEPYPASTA Eric Gets Grounded for Infinity Years! FINAL VIDEO}}